DKRD Col 01

DKRD Col 01 most important rock and roll vinyl collection of this century 

Introducing DKRD Col 01 vinyl records set. Discover its range of official merchandise on the occasion of the first anniversary of deskarriados.


About DKRD Col 01

DESKA Records, the new independent record label of, launches to the market an unpublished musical collection: DKRD COL 01.

Never before in the Latin American music scene have so many bands of different sounds been brought together in a single vinyl collection.

Established bands such as Zapato3, Desorden Público, and Billo's Caracas Boys combine with emerging bands from 10 countries of the rock scene to give life to a GREAT PACK that will make you move every fiber of your body.

Tracks never recorded on vinyl records such as Amaranto by Zapato3, Mosaico de Ely by Billo's and El año que nunca fue by Desorden Público, are mixed with pop rock versions of historical songs such as Acompañeme Civil by JUAN LUIS GUERRA performed by the Dominican band SÉPTIMO INVITADO.

The collection named DKRD Col 01 is composed of 3 vinyl records where the strength of punk rock and death metal, the swing of reggae and ska, and the emotionality of pop-rock of bands from Venezuela, Chile, Ecuador, United States, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Italy, and the Dominican Republic are intertwined. is a digital ecosystem of entertainment, art, music, and merchandising that brings together bands and artists from different countries, including Billo's Caracas Boys, Desorden Publico, Zapato3, Daniela Alvarado from Venezuela, and bands such as Arpioni from Italy and Nitronica from Brazil. The entertainment offer consists of DESKA Radio, DESKA TV, and DESKA Digital Hall.

DKRD Col 01 is already on sale at, the most dynamic digital platform in America.