DESKA NFTs. Rock-inspired rarities that will make your asset a unique piece.

Introducing our NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) Collection with a wide variety of digital arts that you can use as tradable assets on the blockchain.



1. What is an NFT?

NFTs are a type of token that allows the representation of physical or digital assets on a blockchain. It is one of the most powerful tools currently available to move towards web 3.0.


1. Unique:

Each NFT contains a code of information describing its properties that make them different from the others.
properties that make it different from the others.

2. Traceable:

Each NFT has a transaction log on the blockchain since it was created, even every time it changed the token holder. This means that each NFT is verifiable which prevents forgery.

3. Tradable:

Being a digital asset it has the property of being tradable on the internet.

4. Indivisible:

NFTs for the most part cannot be traded as fractions of a whole. In the same way that you cannot buy half of a movie ticket, you cannot fractionate NFTs. However, you can have NFTs from a collection that together forms a larger collection.

5. Programmable:

Like all traditional digital assets and tokens created on smart contract blockchains, NFTs are fully programmable. The advantage of being 'programmable' is that they generate process automation.

2. Why buy a DESKA NFT?

By purchasing a DESKA NFT you are receiving a number of benefits associated with all that we do at

These benefits are:

1. A valid digital identity for all future applications that we will create through Deskarriados.

2. VIP access to the store with exclusive products and special discounts.

3. Customization of products within our store.

4. Access to digital and physical events that we do with super discounts.

5. Be among the first to receive information about our activities and product launches.

3. How to get a DESKA NFT?

Buying a DESKA NFT is very simple. Browse our catalog of digital tokens and choose the one you like, add it to your shopping cart and pay for it as if you were buying any physical product. You can use your cryptocurrencies via your digital wallet or pay using any of our available payment methods.